What is Shiatsu
When Qi flows free, health is present
Like Acupuncture, Shiatsu works on rebalancing the flow of Chi, Ki or life energy that flows through the body in specific channels or meridians. Shiatsu uses gentle thumb pressure, palming and manipulative techniques to adjust the body's physical structure and balance its energy flow. When we feel well and in good health our Chi, Qi or life force energy flows smoothly along energy channels or pathways known as meridians. But when the body is weakened by lifestyle, emotional stress or injury, our Qi no longer flows smoothly causing physical discomfort ranging from mild to severe pain, as well as emotional or mental imbalance. Shiatsu aims to treat the root of any health problem by balancing the flow of energy through the body. It can be safely used during pregnancy as it is deeply relaxing. |
What does Shiatsu treat