Case Study - Mr. P., Male, 46 years
Mr P was very sceptical about the whole 'energy thing' as he called it. He lives very much in the physical world and is a hard worker in a stressful job with lots of responsibilities. There is more stress in his home life where making sure his family are ok is his main priority. He doesn't have much time to himself to relax. He plays football once a week which he says helps release some of his stress through exercise. He also likes to have a drink regularly and is short tempered and quick to anger if pushed. After much persuasion, he gave Shiatsu a try. In the first treatment, I carried out a Hara diagnosis to feel the condition of the meridians which came up with an imbalance in the Liver energy. Liver in TCM is connected to the emotion of anger and frustration. This can build up if there is a lack of self-expression or repressed feelings. This in turn has lead to a pattern of behaviour of drinking as his way to deal with, numb out or avoid the frustration he feels. During the treatment he was able to relax as the healing space is set up to help to help him feel safe and supported. There was a lot of heat and redness around the head area so by working on the legs and feet and grounding him helped bring his energy down and rebalance. What also came up in the treatment was ancestral patternings inherited from his Father, a sense of responsibility, providing for the family, structure, putting others first before himself which all amounted to a feeling of frustration having no time for himself and not feeling supported by his immediate family or as he explained... "being taken advantage of". |
We spoke about this ancestral patterning and he felt he was ready to let go of it. By working in his energy field we were able to release it. He said it felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders.
After the first session his response was 'WOW that was amazing' and he didn't expect to feel as much as he did. He felt more relaxed with less tension in the muscles. The redness in his face had gone so he was more grounded and balanced. Recommendations We spoke about making a little progress at home would be a good place to start, suggesting that talking about how he feels with his partner would be beneficial as talking is a way of self expression which helps the Liver energy flow and releases stagnation. He now has regular Shiatsu treatments every 3 weeks as this helps de-stress and calms him physically as well as mentally and emotionally. He values each session as his time for himself to relax and let go. "You don't realise what the Shiatsu treatment does for me with helping me let go of stress!" |